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GES Update 9/27/08

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Jeron [SharpSh00tah]:
media release, not beta release

Konrad Beerbaum:

--- Quote from: Storm101 on December 01, 2008, 02:02:50 am ---Wait, by updates do you mean topics like this? I thought it was releases of the mod itself, judging by the quote "We decided to release smaller chunks of polished material much more frequently."

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The initial idea was to release in smaller chunks, but now it has gotten skewed towards a bigger initial release and patches afterward.  This is mainly because we had so much content already done, there wasn't any reason not to include it. 

omg just release beta 3 already.. ::)


--- Quote from: BCKMTWKILLAHS on December 01, 2008, 06:29:24 am ---omg just release beta 3 already.. ::)

--- End quote ---

Dude, chill. It'll be done when it's ready (not to over quote the Duke Nukem Forever team). This project is a huge undertaking. The guys are working hard, rest assured. Yes it's taking some time, but it'll only be better for it in the end. The end result will be high quality. Instead of something along the lines of "Project Goldeneye" for UT2k4 that was a total mess in the end and completely unplayable.

The original had nicely laid out weaponsets, the mod is utilizing these as a base structure and so to release say for instance weapons in "small chunks" as releases just wouldnt be practical. You'd have a slightly incomplete gameplay for *X*month(s) until each patch. The team is pushing to get all guns into the beta3 release for a complete coverage of the weaponsets ; given ALL of the weapons are done artside (in max,maya etc) this is a smart decision for your replay value :D

Further "chunk" releases will be for game-modes, maps and further characters as they get made and tested.


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