For all the loyal fans out there, we are alive and have some goodies below! Now before we hear "WHEN ARE THE RELEASE DATES!!!1!?1!?!/" just read the whole post. The mod has taken root again, and alot has been getting done behind the scenes. This mod tends to fly under the radar until MOTY (Mod of the Year) awards. We would like to continue the streak of bieng on the top 10. It seems like we are working as a team once again; and have been like this since Killer Monkey's return to land. Each member has contributed their time and boy, it has been a trip to get here. Heres how the team is broken down:
First off, a special thanks to an old developer; Mark Lodle at, hosting the video and doing alot of work in the background!
Runway made by myself (SharpSh00tah) is completed for the next release. The map was in development for 2+ years. It has been commited and finished. Now I am workin on Streets. If everything goes as planned, the map will be huge!
KillerMonkey has been the life behind the mod. He coded everything from scratch (hence the whole point of the BETA3). Now with the addition of two new coders, and a new modeller, work will be going just that much smoother. Next, YOLT and Deathmatch game modes have been completed and work 100%. Also, many guns have been completed and are ingame including;
pp7(s), Klobb, Cougar Mag, DD44, KF7, ZMG, DK5,RCP90, AR33, even the Tazer Boy has emerged! Yes, there is more!
SporkFire has Silo comming along!
Armored Fury is working on the TANK! Looks amazing!
4Tex is working on a suprise! As usual it looks beautiful.
InvertedShadow is workin on Archives Front Zone and Back Zone, They are nearing testing and will be a showcase map!
Well Konrad Beerbaum and KillerMonkey have taken liberty to create the mod's menu's. First pic is the Team selection, make sure to take a look at some of the options, and the brand new layout. The second pic is the character selection. The third and final pic is the scoreboard! All accompanied by the lovely Cougar Magnum that Fourtecks made and animated (yes, he is a strong as Thor's hammer.)
Team Selection

Character Selection


Runway Pictures;
On the Runway:

Looking down the runway from the facility building

In the Hanger:

Unreleased parts:

Along with the pictures you can see there Audix had an oppertunity to make some music for Runway, it came out beautifully!
Runway background music - by took his time to create some ambiance...
Multiplayer background music "Shadows in the Temple"- by Ol' Cradle
"Rocking the Cradle" - by Spider, Spider has been organizing people, not only that, but has been doing some botox surgury!

Okay okay, Ill stop with the pictures, Here is a video of gameplay:heres the good one:[/quote]
Who will win?
Okay guys, its time for us to ask you for help. We have decided to draft up some "Achievements" that you can unlock during game play in the near future. However, because we are trying to get this release perfect and out the door in a timely manner, we ask you for help.
Heres the plan, we want you to create 64x64pixel icon's that will be placed inside of Konrad's template. There are some requirements, We either need a layerd .PSD file or .tiff with the logo on a seperate layer.
OR you can just give me the logo with a transparent or single color background with out the template background. Basically the team needs to be able to take the logo separately and apply filters to it.
FYI: The multi-colored icon will be used once you have unlocked the achievement. Inversely, black and white Icon will be used for the locked achievements.
I want to
stress the fact that you
WILL be credited for
ANY and
ALL work that
WE decide to use for a
FINAL release. Next, we may alter your icon after it is received by the development team, you still
WILL be credited.
Template can be downloaded: Please contact me (SharpSh00tah) in regards to any questions. Also, finished Icons must be sent over to me as well. Finally, please tell me what you want your alias to be credited as.
Please do not be offended if your icon is not chosen for a release.
Please, post all Icons in this thread,2201.0.htmlAll icons posted other than that thread will be deleated.
AIM: SharpSh00tah
Licensed to Spill - Shoot 100 soda cans
Tzar of the U.S.S.R. - Kill 50 opponents with the Tazer Boy
Phantastic Phantom - Kill 50 people with Phantom
Remotely Remove - Kill 50 people with a remote mine
Timid Termination - Kill 50 people with a timed mine
Proximity Pulvarisor - Kill 50 people with proximity mine
RCP 4 Death - Kill 50 people with the RCP90 (recipe for death)
PKing Soup - Kill 50 people with the PPK
ARYOU33? - Kill 33 people with the AR3 Assault Rifle
A View To A Kill - Kill 50 opponents with the Sniper Rifle
Silent Assassin - Use only melee weapons and win the round
Number One With A Bullet - Be awarded Most Deadly and Most Accurate (in the same round)
Live and Let Die - Be the last man standing in YOLT game play without dieing (10 times)
I AM INVINCIBLE! - Be awarded Most Deadly and longest inning while playing as Boris
The Golden Eye Source Development Team