First off, I would like to apologize for my last blog, it was not good enough. So for this blog entry I am making it DOUBLE awesome. First, here are the pics:

As you can see we are HARD at work getting BETA 3 back to the basics. So far I have been able to get weapon/ammo spawners, LUA Gameplay, Team Select and Character Select VGUIs, several weapons, and HUD elements back into the game. Let me tell you, transitioning to EP2 engine is extremely difficult, especially since I am rewriting all code from scratch to ensure full compatibility and testing each section appropriately to ensure that BETA 3 does not carry the same bugs BETA 1.5 had.
The character selection VGUI offers new enhancements to include skin selection buttons, full mouse input for portraits, and improved layout that maximizes the area for content. I have also implemented the Team Selection VGUI that also incorporates server info (CVARs) and the MOTD.
Mines are fully functional with new and improved viewmodel animations. Mines that attach themselves to physics props will also follow them now to prevent "floating" mines! This is a huge improvement over BETA 1.5. The watch now has a nice beep sound with an appropriately timed delay before detonation (timing is everything!).
Currently, we have the following weapons loaded and ingame: PP7 (+ dual), RCP90, AR33, D5K, ZMG, Remote Mines. With more coming almost every day we are well on track. Look for an official update soon, we are throwing together a lot of our artwork that has been in progress for the last couple months. It wont be long now until you are enjoying a stable and enjoyable game of Goldeneye!