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Will you be getting hold of Mirror's Edge?

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Author Topic: Mirror's Edge Hands Up?  (Read 23422 times)

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Re: Mirror's Edge Hands Up?
« Reply #15 on: December 23, 2008, 03:16:18 am »

Not according to the new article that I read. The steam versions would come securom free. Why would they pay twice for DRM solutions? (Steam is a DRM solution but it is very customer friendly)

This is for EA games not the others that may have Securom hax included


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Re: Mirror's Edge Hands Up?
« Reply #16 on: December 23, 2008, 12:58:41 pm »

Well, i don't know exactly. But i think they pay per game which should be "protected" so it doesn't matter to EA if there is SecuRom on the steam version too.
And i will buy such a game only when i know for sure there is no SecuRom or Starforce included.

Another reason for me to be carefull buying games on steam is, they might come in a censored version.
Unluckly i'm located in germany and there are a lot of restrictions on Games.
Example: L4D is censored. The Zombies will disapear on death even before they hit the ground.
You cannot shoot them in pices (e.g. arms, legs). They are just grey no blood on them (texture).
The cover is censored to, the hand has five fingers and no blood at all.
The german version is rated 18+ and according to the latest news, the uncensored version is going to be forbidden.
Which means it's resticed by law to sell it here in germany or to import it from other countries.
For TF2 they replaced the bodyparts with nots, bolts and Burger and replaced the blood decals.


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Re: Mirror's Edge Hands Up?
« Reply #17 on: December 23, 2008, 05:14:22 pm »

I'd much rather play the Flash Version of the game when it is released.


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Re: Mirror's Edge Hands Up?
« Reply #18 on: December 23, 2008, 08:26:09 pm »

ROFL, are they afraid of another nazi revolution through video games? wierdos (no offense, you aren't wierd). I hope they don't ban GE: Source by law...


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Re: Mirror's Edge Hands Up?
« Reply #19 on: December 24, 2008, 03:00:50 pm »

I hope they don't ban GE: Source by law...
HL2 is rated 18+ so i don't think they can restrict this any further, and there is no law against modifications so far.
In fact allmost all the ppl who decides about these kind of things, don't even know it is possible to modify a game.

So their focus is on the commercial products.

BTW: GE64 never came out officially in germany, but it's also on the so called "index".
There are two lists A & B.
Media on list A are forbidden to advertise in any kind, most magazines desn't even write their names course it could be seen as advertisment and the whole issue of the magazine could get seized.
This happened once with an issue of the german videogames magazine "TOTAL",when they printed the MK dragon on the cover.
Goldeneye was named Silvereye in the 64Power, course it was on that list, too.
List B is even worser, media on that list are forbidden to sell and also to import from other countries. You can be punished for selling such a game/film/book/whatever or to bring it into germany from beyond the border.
The only thing that's still alowed is to own it, but you are not allowed to show it to someone else.
So if you wanna watch this Film, play this game with friends, theoretically it's illegal and if someone ever find out you can be punished too.

Now you see how far it has allready come, and all in the sense of protecting our youth.
Don't get me wrong, i'm absolutly for protecting them but not at the cost of the mature gamers.

There are forces in the politics which would like to see a law against the production and distribution of so called "Killergames" (which means ego shooter).
There are phrases like: These kind of games were invent by the military to practice killing and lower the threshold for killing someone.
They blame these games for things like ammok in schools (e.g. Erfurt). The politicians were trying to seize CSS, but the USK (an institution which rates games, much similar to the PEGI) gave it a 16+ (german version, no blood, dead hostages sit down instead to die, enemies disapear after death... the regular BS), so it couldn't be restricted any further, at least the german version.
Some of them are trying to replace the USK with a new institution, course they feel they are rating games 18+ which should be forbidden.

Nazi Revolution: All the signs of the Nazis are forbidden here too. So games with WWII theme will be censored too. So there will be replacments of the symbols on flags, german soldiers don't say certain sentences anymore, and so on.

At the end i don't think the hard censoring is related to much to the NS hiostory, it's more the conflict of generations.
I mean it was the same when TV came first, they said it makes you silly, Better read books.


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Re: Mirror's Edge Hands Up?
« Reply #20 on: December 24, 2008, 06:15:08 pm »

God Bless America, if some fucker wants to challenge my viewing of anything in my private residence they can take it up with my shotgun :)

Sorry to hear that Germany sucks so much (in terms of video games) at least they promote rampant drinking and sex :) (I have been to Germany back in 2000, had a hell of a time, saw lots of "soap operas" lol)

Anyway dude, if you want I can export a mod-pack for TF2 for you, since they don't know about modding, well just replace the springs and shit models with the severed limbs models TADA! As for the blood, thats hard coded I know that, but the decals are not and you can replace the decals as well with blood ones. Although it might cause the wall decals to bleed too.

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Re: Mirror's Edge Hands Up?
« Reply #21 on: December 24, 2008, 11:16:30 pm »

and all this time i thought kraid was from the US lol.

sucks that Germany is so crazy on censorship. in the US, people would throw a fit over that with first amendment rights and beat some legal ass pronto.

it seems like the German govt, is still dealing with the fear and guilt from WWII. i think your guys generation will be the one to move past that. you should run for political office kraid get some shit changed over there. then run for office in the US so you can get some of those crazy German sex party shows on TV over here.
"making out with ugly girls builds character"
"getting the ugly girls then the pretty ones makes you feel like leveling up in an rpg game"

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Re: Mirror's Edge Hands Up?
« Reply #22 on: December 25, 2008, 10:49:21 am »

God Bless America, if some fucker wants to challenge my viewing of anything in my private residence they can take it up with my shotgun
That would be very hard here too. We got heavy restrictions on weapons.
Even for gas pistols you'll need a  so called "small weapon licence".

Anyway dude, if you want I can export a mod-pack for TF2 for you, since they don't know about modding, well just replace the springs and shit models with the severed limbs models TADA! As for the blood, thats hard coded I know that, but the decals are not and you can replace the decals as well with blood ones. Although it might cause the wall decals to bleed too.
Thanks, but there are allready blood-patches for this game which do exactly the things you said.
I don't play that much TF2 anyway and TBH its somehow fitting in the cartoon look of the game.

at least they promote rampant drinking and sex
YAY i saw the report on Mass Effect and the GTA:SanAndreas Hot Coffe Cheat, lol.
Your country is as crazy as ours, just about sexual content instead of violence and gore.

And you can get alcohol at the age of 16, hard stuff with 18.
A bavarian politician recently said: after two mass beer (2 liter) you can still drive safely your car.
The same one said: Violent videogames schould be treaten like child porn.

For both of this statments he earned a lot of indignation, but also a lot of ppl agreed.
Well, most of them are old hard liners and luckly there are not that many f them, but there is also the big mass of ppl who doesn't know anything about videogames, so the politicians try to convince them that this games are evil.

BTW: in the latest election in bavaria, the CSU (where this politican is in) got the lowest percentage of votes they ever had in history (still somewhat about 40%) but a devastating result for them.
The above statments might be one of the reasons for this.
I mean even if i would agree with the politic programm they have, if they try to kill my beloved hobby they shall go to hell.


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Re: Mirror's Edge Hands Up?
« Reply #23 on: December 25, 2008, 03:17:26 pm »

God Bless America

Drink, sex and violence... Come over here!

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Re: Mirror's Edge Hands Up?
« Reply #24 on: December 26, 2008, 10:41:30 am »


Drink, sex and violence... Come over here!

just make sure the sex is missionary and is man woman, or else your in for a social flogging you pervert.
"making out with ugly girls builds character"
"getting the ugly girls then the pretty ones makes you feel like leveling up in an rpg game"

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Re: Mirror's Edge Hands Up?
« Reply #25 on: December 27, 2008, 12:06:34 pm »

just make sure the sex is missionary and is man woman, or else your in for a social flogging you pervert.
LOL, this is getting of topic a lot.

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Re: Mirror's Edge Hands Up?
« Reply #26 on: December 28, 2008, 12:03:22 am »

question: Can you still set people aflame in TF2: German BS edition? I had to go through a list of stuff for the German version of a game when I was doing QA to help ensure the game wouldn't be banned, and people on fire is something not allowed. Do they just smoke up with no fire?
ge_facility, ge_facility_backzone, ge_control


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Re: Mirror's Edge Hands Up?
« Reply #27 on: December 28, 2008, 01:22:17 am »

Can you still set people aflame in TF2: German BS edition?
Yea, the flames are still in there, so this hasn't been cut at least.
Well if the "right" ppl are beeing elected, flames will be replaced with flowers some day. lol a Flower Thrower.

I had to go through a list of stuff for the German version of a game when I was doing QA to help ensure the game wouldn't be banned
Which game was it?



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Re: Mirror's Edge Hands Up?
« Reply #28 on: January 03, 2009, 07:27:33 pm »

So do you guys think Mirror's Edge would be worth getting when it comes out on Steam? Would it be pretty hard to control with a keyboard?


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Re: Mirror's Edge Hands Up?
« Reply #29 on: January 04, 2009, 01:27:19 pm »

I recently heared that EA games on steam will come without an 3rd-party DRM (SecuRom or something else).
So the chances of getting myself Mirror's Edge and Dead Space are growing :).
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