Editing and Customization > Community Releases

Basement Remake

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Jonathon [SSL]:
Hey, this is my newest map, which has been in development for a while. Obviously, it's a remake of my favorite Goldeneye 007 map, Basement. I tried to make the hallways and rooms a bit bigger, to support more players, and also added additional ammo spawns.  It's still being tested, so I'm not posting any download links yet, but I just wanted to post some screenshots to se if anyone had any new ideas or criticisms about the look, and it should be totally done with a download link within the next few days.

picture 14 looks quite nice.


--- Quote from: Sporkfire on July 20, 2008, 07:56:02 am ---picture 14 looks quite nice.

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: The SSL on July 20, 2008, 04:55:51 am ---if anyone had any new ideas or criticisms about the look

--- End quote ---
I would add one or two extra paths and rooms (ala facility/backzone) since the map is rather small, and will turn in a spawn kill fest with more than 6-7 players. Only my thought though.

Woah very beautiful seriously. Nice job SSL!

I like the look of this map a lot. I would work on subduing your lighting a LOT, it seems like the whole place is lit by flourescents but in viewing the images, I only see sparse bare light bulbs. Also, your textures are vivid and exciting, maybe a little out of place for a dank basement (pic 15).


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