I made these for Counter-Strike Source and I used the textures from GE:S. I have not looked much into how to convert it to GE:S, but I'm willing to give it a shot if you guys like. I'm also willing to give out the source file and letting a GE:S team member convert it.
I had requested usage a while back in the General section and it didn't seem to be a concern. If it is a concern, I will remove the map from FPSB ASAP. I kinda figured since I didn't get a reply and I'm making a map for the same reasons you guys are (love of the game), that it's ok.
Blah blah blah... anyway, here are the links:
The Stack (final):
http://www.fpsbanana.com/maps/58303The Library (beta)
http://www.fpsbanana.com/maps/58331As you can see, I did give the GE:S team credit for the textures. The textures are also embeded in the .bsp file, so if you play them in CS:S, you don't to worry about copying the files over. There is a link to my server that is hosting the maps on the FPSB site.
Once I have tested and fixed the lighting in The Library's basement, The Basement will soon be available as well.
P.S. If someone is willing to help me incorporate mines into CS:S for this map (if that is cool with the GE:S team) I would be eternally grateful