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SharpSh00tah's Blog

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Jeron [SharpSh00tah]:
Well, it has been a while since I actually had some time on my hands. Still nailing the last bits and pieces of Runway together and shal be finished soon. I have already started the layout and bare minimum on Streets. Heres a little preview of what Runway is looking like at the moment.

Where's my tank???

Doh, I'm completely lost when comes the art side. Runway just looks beautiful. Maybe the snowww..... But the rest looks so sick. And with the motion blur... :D Is it OB ready???

Dawa,  good to see streets are being made, it'll be one of the best map with the MP gameplay mecanic.

Loafie, Hero of Dreams:
dude, runway is like one of the sickest pieces coming

Love it all! (where's the tank!)

Jeron [SharpSh00tah]:
Thanks guys, uhh yea the tank I saw a while back and im sure it will return soon, hopefully Ill finish the map up befor I leave for toronto on the 28 - 5!


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