Global Communications > Development Media

[MAP] Archives Screens (11/25/06)

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Of course, people who crush the windows and escape the building will get autokicked followed by the menu telling them that they completed the mission ;) And they will go like "woohoo i made it!!! ;D"
EDIT: Whoops, forgot how old the thread was and made a one-week bump *slaps forehead* sorry, haha :D

It's fine, I doubt people with get mad at you for bumping pics we released.

oh im mad@!!!!!! are you the new Weclock?@@!111123



--- Quote from: Wake[of]theBunT on December 05, 2006, 02:25:13 am ---oh im mad@!!!!!! are you the new Weclock?@@!111123


--- End quote ---

Haha, he may be.

I'm up for the _full version. It DOES look very sweet. :)


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