Global Communications > killermonkey's Blog

March 17, 2008 - Updates

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Nice job with the update anthony and killermonkey and spork and everyone else. You guys are doing great. I can really say you guys are doing dedicated work. Oh! and Anthony...don't get to lazy now:) Do your work hahah just kidding man. I know you do this for your free time. Don't rush it :D


--- Quote from: Viashino Cutthroat on March 18, 2008, 05:17:38 am ---:: Thats how I would make them'

Where Silenced is its own seperate weapon?  I like you.  +1.

--- End quote ---
LOL... post a message with silenced weap' or number of palet of the shotty, and you'll have VC in the thread in the minute.

As for the weapon selection, what Sporkfire suggested is pretty good: something with green color & 3D side of the gun, like the original.

So Anthony,

  Any new coding going on recently? Compared to before when you wrote everyday it seemed isn't so much anymore. :) I am sure you are doing something but I just LOVE hearing about the coding adventures :D I find it hard to understand but very interesting to hear.

Konrad Beerbaum:
Heh, come on dude, its only been 4 days since this post.  We have real lives too you know. 

Please read my signature block for explanation about "Real Lives"


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