Global Communications > killermonkey's Blog

March 09, 2008 - Can I has silly error?


Hey guys,
This weekend has been a lot of structure, HUD, LUA, and blah blah blah. There was one thing worth noting that I though was kind of funny. Killer Monkey is currently doing a lot of the game mode base code for the LUA engine, and he was stuck due to some data problem. He was using a class that I suggested created by Allied Modders, "sh_vector." It uses the same syntax as a basic C vector, but it is much more memory efficient and overall better coded. For some reason the vector wasn't being refilled the second time the server started, so he was blaming the vector stuff as well as some other stuff that seemed a bit harsh. He went to dinner and I took a quick look at the code. In the parser for the LUA, it had a fail-safe method to make sure the parser wasn't parsing the same stuff twice. It looked like this:

--- Code: ---
    return; // already parsed?
--- End code ---

It just so happens that the vector gets filled right after this, and since Killer Monkey forgot to reset the value of bParsed to false, it would never get there. Yeah, lame post, I know. But hey, if I wrote everything that happened you guys wouldn't have anything to look forward to! :P
Your coder,
Anthony Iacono

HAHA, that was like the biggest jaw dropper. He looks at the shit with a second pair of eyes and was like "did you reset bParsed?" and I was like, Mother F'er lol

totally l33t. But on another note, LUA works GREAT! it won't be long before we are playing You Only Live Twice!

I'm still waiting on L&LD. : j

President and Capture the Key sounded like fun game modes too.  Just not the usual Goldeneye feel.


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