Global Communications > killermonkey's Blog
March 01, 2008 - Linux, I am stuck.
Hey guys,
I am about to be officially sick of Linux. I was actually pretty close to throwing my laptop out of the window. Let me explain where the Linux build is currently at:
- All the actual code of the mod is GCC compatible.
- All of the code objects are created.
- The linker says that files that DO exist actually don't.
After about 5 hours of looking at it, I decided to sit back and relax for a bit. I wrote Alfred, over at Valve, an e-mail with the Linux makefiles and error information. Hopefully he will be able to help. Anyway, I am going to focus on actually coding, and I will wait for a reply before I get back to Ubuntu.
Your coder,
Anthony Iacono
would you post the make files and the error log?
Granted my projects are very small, but I have no problem compiling from the terminal with a single command line. It's probably something simple that's causing the problem.
I can't remember the last time I had a problem because a program said a file existed when it didn't. 99.99% of the time the issue is the other-way-around.
The only times I remeber geting a message about object files not existing (when they did) was when library files were not specified as the linker likes
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