In Runway on the 64, there were smaller, yellow ammo boxes that had Timed Mines in them (They could have been in other levels, but this is the one I remember). Will these ammo boxs make a return in GoldenEye Source, or is it not that important to implement?
A way that I thought the yellow boxes could be used was to have mines in them (Maybe with a logo of the mine on the outside), instead of just having the mines floating. My main reason for this idea is because the mines are sometimes not that easy to spot, and in doing this people would identify the ammo boxes as mines.
The logo of the mine does not have to be on the outer of the box, since most weapon packs will only have the one type of mine, but then again, some people would have an explosive pack with all the mines, rocket launcher, and the grenades and it's launcher; so it might be cool to know what type you were picking up.
I know this topic is sorta confusing, but at the very least, could the developers give their opinion about the ammo box?
Here is a screen of it. Now that I see it up close, it is more brown than yellow.