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Author Topic: Februrary 27, 2008 - Linux  (Read 13800 times)

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Februrary 27, 2008 - Linux
« on: February 27, 2008, 04:00:10 pm »

Hey guys,

Last night I was trying to get my SVN and stuff set up for Linux, you NEVER want to wait for a long time before trying to build cross-platform. GCC and Visual Studio compile, both attempting to comply to standards, but there is always going to be differences because they are two different products. I am not one of those Linux junkies, but I do think it is better than Windows and Mac operating systems. Everything is laid out there for you, and there is usually built in functions to get packages and libraries that you would need to compile code. I haven't finished setting up my SVN fully, since I passed out at the keyboard, but I do want to give my opinion about the whole Linux environment.

Don't think that I get some sort of pleasure out of using a pure command-line system, I use Ubuntu and Debian which both use KDE, which is similar to both Windows and Mac GUI bases. What you have to love about Linux is that it is free for the most part. And while I would love to install it as a secondary OS, I can just settle having it as a virtual machine for now. The reasons are simple: I am too lazy to partition on of my drives, I don't want to partition too much or too little for Linux, and there isn't a build of Steam as well as the Source Engine client for Linux. While I am pretty sure that someone actually has made some sort of JIT (just-in-time) compiler for running Windows applications in Linux, I am not too familiar with it and I am not up to reading around the net at the moment.

One problem that I have been having with Ubuntu is that its alot more user friendly in terms of ease to use, but it doesn't come packages with all the good stuff for compiling. Sure, I can get the packages manually but that alone takes alot of time and sweat. I have compiled with Debian before, but the recent transition to Ubuntu has put me somewhere between the Twighlight Zone and the Milky Way, that is when it comes to getting all the development packages that I will need. The cool thing about Ubuntu is that there is alot less of this:
cd '\lol\code"
make install

And alot more of just running executable installations, similar to the ones we see on Windows and Mac. Anyway, thats just my little ramble about Linux.

Your coder,
Anthony Iacono

Konrad Beerbaum

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Re: Februrary 27, 2008 - Linux
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2008, 04:11:06 pm »

I gave linux a try on 2 separate occasions, wiping my laptop and installing linux on it.  First time I tried Suse, second time was debian I think.  I got as far as downloading the videocard drivers "wtf, I can't just double click, compile what?" and "wtf, no photoshop", then I uninstalled it and went back to windows.  Linux is probably a good idea for focused applications like servers and a lot of other non gaming activities, but it just isn't user friendly enough for the average user at this point imo.  Not to mention the whole gaming thing. I could never understand why applications and drivers wouldn't be released in self-extracting exe files.   
Konrad Beerbaum: Environment Artist


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Re: Februrary 27, 2008 - Linux
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2008, 05:58:28 pm »

there isn't a build of Steam as well as the Source Engine client for Linux. While I am pretty sure that someone actually has made some sort of JIT (just-in-time) compiler for running Windows applications in Linux
LOL, yea. If you want to experience a game with 5 to 10 FPS, try it.

"wtf, no photoshop"
You should try The Gimp: free & available on Linux.

Linux is probably a good idea for focused applications like servers
Exactly. The matter with window$ is not if but when its gonna crash. With srcds, got 3 crashs in 2 months on window$, and 0 in half a year on linux....



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Re: Februrary 27, 2008 - Linux
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2008, 07:41:09 pm »

GIMP is no Photoshop; but it is the 20% of Photoshop that you use the most.  Except for CYMK support.  Plus, it's not $600.

Granted I've only compiled little SDL and OGL things, but I've had no problems compiling in Ubuntu 7.10.  I have had an unholy hell of a time trying to get any IDE to be worth a half-pence, and thus I do not develop in Linux.  I work in DevCPP and write Linux-specific code therein, and compile/test on Ubuntu.

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Re: Februrary 27, 2008 - Linux
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2008, 10:03:34 pm »

Well, some people try running a windoze server without ECC RAM, thats just asking for a crash. ECC ensures errors in stored memory are corrected and do not cause runtime faults. Some people just don't understand the importance of considering those particles from space moving at the speed of light :)


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Re: Februrary 27, 2008 - Linux
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2008, 01:29:05 pm »

I've been considering trying Ubuntu for quite some time, but I'm afraid I've just been far too lazy to bother.

(much better with the breaks in there, btw, so much easier to read)
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