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Video card recommendation?

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Sole Signal [Audix]:

--- Quote from: Mike [fourtecks] on February 14, 2008, 05:48:24 am ---I'm under the assumption you are running a pci-e mobo, correct? If for some reason you have an AGP mobo the highest you are going to find is like a 7800.

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Yeah, I've got an available pci-e slot and 6 pin power cable.

I'd say that's your best deal, unless you wanna spend $200-250

I have a 8800GT, and its a little monster, so that has to be pretty good as well. Unless you wanna wait for 9-series to come out to see if prices drop at all, this is the best deal.

Be carefull with those GS Models of the Cards, they're dowgraded Versions of the GTs, mostly they've even cheaper Performance then the GTs from the previos Cards (8800 GS < 8600 GT) sometimes even lower Performance then the previos Generation (7000er series).
In most cases they reduced not only the clock speed, but also the shadder units and pixel pipelines and of course the Memory to get it as cheap as possible.

Maybe it would be better to spend a few Dollars more to get a GT or GTX.
However it depends on what you wanna do with it, primary playing Games like Crysis or just running Applications.
Well, if you didn't want to play Games you would be satisfied with your current Card right?

A big plus to the Performance could also be, to add more RAM to the System (max. 3GB @ XP), and the Prices aren't that high ATM.

But I think you should post your specs first, before anyone can say what's the best for your System.


--- Quote from: kraid on February 14, 2008, 11:41:26 am ---Maybe it would be better to spend a few Dollars more to get a GT or GTX.
--- End quote ---

Indeed... GTs are the best deal of the moment. But 8800 series aint a good choice if you take care of the noise (after 10 mins of gaming, it's horrible with a GTX, I can vouch).

There are passive cooling 8600GTs out there, and they're much cheaper then 8800.
But IDK how powerfull they are, best to check some benchmark results.
But in the case of passive cooling cards, don't overclock them and don't buy a noname card.
Well, i prefer my graphic boards with a Fan, mine is pretty quite.


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