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Video card recommendation?

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Sole Signal [Audix]:
I'm looking to buy a video card and came across this:

Seems like a good deal to me, but I was wondering if I will also see an increase in any video-related work I do? (aside from the obvious improvements in gaming) For example, I edit down and produce DVD's for my local church; will rendering/preview speeds or anything be improved? It would certainly help to reconcile the cost in my mind. :p

Athlon 64 X2 4200+ dual
2 gig RAM

Yes things will be increased depending on the rest of your rig, predominantly memory...but its better to have an editing card (presuming you only utilize standard firewire input like most ppl). An expensive one of those will make even a slightly better than avg p4, an insane editing suite.

but you would be looking at trippling that price range on those. You should really post your global specs too when asking for advice on performance, as parts often need to be on the same compatible level so not to bottleneck you.

Sole Signal [Audix]:
Oops, edited to add specs.

Yeah, $160 is on the upper limits of what I'm looking to spend anyway. I'm considering any improvement in my video work to be a bonus, and it's good to hear that I'll notice some improved speed on that end too. Thanks for the thoughts.

I have been loving the performance of the GeForce 8800 GTX so I would recommend that on experience; I had read somewhere the GeForce 8800GT has one of the best price to performance ratios (though that may have changed by now).

Mike [fourtecks]:
I'm under the assumption you are running a pci-e mobo, correct? If for some reason you have an AGP mobo the highest you are going to find is like a 7800.


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