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Perfect Dark Zero


Super Mega Blah:
Hello, i just started this topic to see what people thought of Perfect Dark Zero. I recently bought it in one of those special edition metal cases for $50 AUS because i thought it might be a good deal. After about 5 hours of playing it I have come to the conclusion that it is one of the worst games i have ever played. The AI is crap, the controls are crap and slow, the guns are crap and arent very original, the missions are boring and it takes 5 headshots to kill people some times, etc. Oh and i forgot to mention it has the crapest story ever! How they even thought of releasing this as a sequal to one of the best FPSs ever is unbelievable. The only thing going for it is the graphics, yet everything seems to shiny and it doesnt look that good at times.

I give it a 4/10

Your thoughts...?

Multiplayer is really fun, especially in the subway area.  I haven't played it since launch (got rid of my 360, after going through 4 or having to be warranty repaired).

Not sure how the online community is doing now, though. :)

Sold my 360 a while ago, I miss playing it online...

Got PDZ as the first game for my 360. I think maybe the problem was that us Perfect Dark fans had been waiting so long for the second game to come out, and it seemed a bit rushed.

The online multiplayer is by far the best bit. The storyline was awful, seeing as its ment to be set before the perfect dark on the N64 it doesn't fit in with that storyline. Also the weapons seem a bit overpowered....  ;D

A disapointment, but not a completly bad game.

I've played Perfact Dark 64, 8 hours a day when it came out.
It was really a very important game for me, and my start in the ego-shooter scene ^^.
I've never played Perfect Dark Zero, cauz my family has not that much money for consoles and so on.
But i hope for others that bought this game that its a really nice game.

see you



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