Editing and Customization > Community Releases

ok. so maybe not map music :D

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tell me vut you think. any user maps that will put this as the song?

needs more work. I like all the samples used, I just think the song is way too repetitive. all that really happens for the first 2 minutes is the rhythm changing. 1:55, with the guitar, is the only big difference in it, but that repeats too for some time.

not much to really say besides that..I mean, I like the samples and rhythms, but just too repetitive and a lot more could be added.

btw, do you use FLstudio? cause that guitar that comes in after 2 min. sounds like one of the samples, and some of the drums sound like stock FL samples. the rest seem to be VSTi's.

actually both guitars are mine recorded here.

the samples are pretty standard electro samples.

i dont know man. ive been playing some maps with this running and its really nice. esp. in the caves level... the repetition is lost in the gameplay.

but yes i do use fl. lol

its a great multitracker. the only vst i used were orchestral and zeta. i love that pad from zeta its so nice.

yea, zeta's pretty amazing when used right (and I had a feelin you used FL cause I do too haha). well even if its repetition is lost in the gameplay, I'm sure it'd be even better having more to it to I guess...enhance the pwning experience? lol

must... enhance... pwnage....  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(


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