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Author Topic: Challenge WNx!  (Read 23250 times)

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Challenge WNx!
« on: January 29, 2008, 04:21:40 pm »

Hello GES community! I'm not sure if many of you recognise me, as I havn't been as active on this forum as I'd have liked. If you play ingame however, you are almost guaranteed to have seen me. Long story short, I'm the 'leader' of WNx, the Warrior Nation clan (the GES section at least).

Myself and a few other members have been discussing there is a sincere lack of team play in this mod right now...and considering we have a Team play server on the 1.1h version, this is surprising. It isn't used enough, and we have an idea to get more activity on it. An idea to promote Team matches in GES, and the 1.1 patch as well. That idea is, that people can challenge us to matches.

It is simple enough; a 5v5 Deathmatch game. Five people can sign up, and play against 5 members from WNx in a proper Team game. You don't have to know each other, or have met before, but as long as 5 people turn up they can face us in a duel. If there is a group of you out there who are mates, great! Other clans are also welcome! It makes it more challenging for both sides if they are more familiar with their team mates. Thats not to say 5 individuals won't put up a good fight as well however. If people like this idea, then maybe we can create a regular thing for this; and get a steady stream of Team Matches played, instead of random encounters when the server happens to be full.

Just a couple of rules, or conditions:
The match is played on our server, (Dr NO's, ip:
The time picked can suit us. We are all mostly EU remember, so any NA challengers will have to compromise with us over a time.
The match is 5v5, and on Deathmatch, not LTK.
The version played is 1.1h.

The maplist is as follows, as these maps are the only viable ones for a 5v5 match:
facility_backzone, library_classic, control and siberia.

I hope you guys like this idea, and I'm looking foward to any challengers! Bring it on! :)



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Re: Challenge WNx!
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2008, 10:16:23 pm »

It has been brought.


Shaken not Stirred

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Re: Challenge WNx!
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2008, 03:05:38 am »

WNx...yeah...why don't you guys go stand by the "failure clans" pool right next to LTK.


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Re: Challenge WNx!
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2008, 06:15:46 am »

lol, License Plate is challenging... wait, there are no clans here.

So, you and your mighty band of highly-trained warriors are looking for five random people on the forum to come give you some free kills.  Sounds like you're no longer throbbed by pwning pub randoms and now want to egostroke by pwning pub randoms who knew what they were walking into.
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Re: Challenge WNx!
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2008, 02:34:49 pm »

WNx...yeah...why don't you guys go stand by the "failure clans" pool right next to LTK.

Yeah we are extremely sorry for being the only clan still standing, supporting this mod since Alpha release by providing pretty much the only servers that were running this when everyone else went running away screaming "phailure!" after the Beta release....

This is merely an attempt to get some interest back in the game and the community, it doesn't matter if you are a "pub random", long-time forum lurker, or an old-timer wanting to get your crank on. We have played vs. each other individually in WNx for a long time, and now that there is a fully functional team mode in 1.1 why not make use of it? This is a friendly challenge, and if no one steps up to it..well then thats was worth a try i guess.

And i don't get why you Viashino as a 'dev', try to talk down people playing "your" game? You are as welcome as anyone else, be it LTK...JS...veterans...whatever! All the better! Then we got at least ONE guy back playing. If it makes even more people play then its just a win-win situation for us all.

So, whos up for a game of GES!? Or should we all sit here and be bitter about "WNx pwning pub randoms"...
Get a bunch of old-schoolers back together and shove it down our throat for all i care!  ;) (whats with these new smileys anyway)
« Last Edit: January 30, 2008, 02:42:17 pm by WNxSauron »


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Re: Challenge WNx!
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2008, 02:57:24 pm »

WNx...yeah...why don't you guys go stand by the "failure clans" pool right next to LTK.
^Please check our website before declaring us a 'failure clan'. Not to mention we are one of the biggest clans there is, the GES section has over 30 active members. Probably more than the rest of the active (and when I say active, the ones who actually play the game) GES community. So get your facts right before you start flaming us.

lol, License Plate is challenging... wait, there are no clans here.

So, you and your mighty band of highly-trained warriors are looking for five random people on the forum to come give you some free kills.  Sounds like you're no longer throbbed by pwning pub randoms and now want to egostroke by pwning pub randoms who knew what they were walking into.

Wow VC, no surprises to have a response like that from you. Thanks, anyway. However, if there is anyone here that needs their 'ego to be stroked', it is you. Perhaps you can take us on single-handedly, beat us, and then you will have succeeded. Otherwise, don't disregard an idea that is trying to help the mod you are working on. Not only does our clan support the majority of the servers available, or the fact that we have been a major part of this mod since the beginning of Alpha, we are pretty much the only people out there who play this game. All we're trying to do is get others involved and play clan matches again. As we havn't seen the likes of LTK or JS as active ingame recently, we thought playing Team matches against a group of indivduals might be a nice idea. Sorry for trying to increase activity in the mod, obviously that is a wrong idea (!)

Shaken not Stirred

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Re: Challenge WNx!
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2008, 12:29:18 am »

It's not really a flame, it's just that you guys weren't really as..."recognized"... as the other clans. You mostly just kept a low profile.


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Re: Challenge WNx!
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2008, 01:07:40 am »

Dont hate on WN, time has proved they have more to offer than just very decent active players

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Re: Challenge WNx!
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2008, 02:27:21 am »

and there our community... dont drive em away!!!

Complete: Ge_Runway (now under care of CC Saint); Ge_Caverns // W.I.P.:Ge_Streets; Ge_Depot; Ge_Train;


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Re: Challenge WNx!
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2008, 01:59:11 pm »

No surprise here really... If by chance any of you are looking just to play a game or two, you know we're here and around. Our servers are always open.


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Re: Challenge WNx!
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2008, 05:51:34 pm »

I have been playing this game a lot. A lot of the time I see people a lot more than once. Some people hate me, and others appreciate my skill. I can vouch for both, but let me tell you that WN is not a failing clan. You have seen lots of us in GES over the years, some members even everyday. I think that anyone playing a match with us would help bring up the activity, having more players show interest in the game.

So sign me up for the match!


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Re: Challenge WNx!
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2008, 07:43:35 pm »

aww big bird. So many frustrating matches with your mad skill :D. You are very good good that it frustrates the crap out of me sometimes. Good luck in the tourny. Depending on when it is held, I might be able to join....


Brings back memories, doesn't it? :D

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Re: Challenge WNx!
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2008, 04:55:46 am »

and there our community... dont drive em away!!!
We are pathetic, eh?  ::)


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Re: Challenge WNx!
« Reply #13 on: February 01, 2008, 07:58:05 am »

I would play, but the transAtlantic lag fucks up the hitboxes so much that it'd be impossible to play against UK people. (I'm in U.S.)

Oh, and hey.


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Re: Challenge WNx!
« Reply #14 on: February 01, 2008, 08:27:48 am »

I pretty much get the same hit reg whether i have 5 ping or 110 ping. I do fairly well most times in Doc's server, it's all about finding the sweet spot on the hit reg and sticking to it.   ;) Just takes time to get better...if you want to be in a tournament, be all means do so.

Also its on 1.1h I believe...and the hit reg works pretty well.
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