Hello GES community! I'm not sure if many of you recognise me, as I havn't been as active on this forum as I'd have liked. If you play ingame however, you are almost guaranteed to have seen me. Long story short, I'm the 'leader' of WNx, the Warrior Nation clan (the GES section at least).
Myself and a few other members have been discussing there is a sincere lack of team play in this mod right now...and considering we have a Team play server on the 1.1h version, this is surprising. It isn't used enough, and we have an idea to get more activity on it. An idea to promote Team matches in GES, and the 1.1 patch as well. That idea is, that people can challenge us to matches.
It is simple enough; a 5v5 Deathmatch game. Five people can sign up, and play against 5 members from WNx in a proper Team game. You don't have to know each other, or have met before, but as long as 5 people turn up they can face us in a duel. If there is a group of you out there who are mates, great! Other clans are also welcome! It makes it more challenging for both sides if they are more familiar with their team mates. Thats not to say 5 individuals won't put up a good fight as well however. If people like this idea, then maybe we can create a regular thing for this; and get a steady stream of Team Matches played, instead of random encounters when the server happens to be full.
Just a couple of rules, or conditions:
The match is played on our server, (Dr NO's, ip:
The time picked can suit us. We are all mostly EU remember, so any NA challengers will have to compromise with us over a time.
The match is 5v5, and on Deathmatch,
not LTK.
The version played is 1.1h.
The maplist is as follows, as these maps are the only viable ones for a 5v5 match:
facility_backzone, library_classic, control and siberia.
I hope you guys like this idea, and I'm looking foward to any challengers! Bring it on!