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The "brother" of Goldeneye: Source, Goldeneye: 00-Heaven has it's 1st media rlse

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Shaken not Stirred:
Mooooooooooom! This new mod came out of nowhere and is stealing our commuuuuuunityyyyyyy!

Ryan [Saiz]:
Actually I see no problem with wake working on another GE mod, we used to have a sister mod back when alpha came out.  So this should help us both out with publicity and we can trade work if we have to. Good luck wake you will have to come play with us when we drop 1.5.

Synergy is a good thing. :)  And GE:S was the first "big success" mod based on GE and then PD:S came along too (I hope they're doing well, as they've been rather silent).


--- Quote from: basstronix on January 28, 2008, 08:55:56 pm ---I see matt murray is working there. Good for him.

--- End quote ---
thanks, I told you I'd get on a goldeneye mod lol :P

EDIT: ... omg new smileys lol  :o :o :o :o :o :o
seriously ,they ain't too bad..though I miss the ol' wootsmiley

Sean [Baron]:
Why do some of those models look oddly familar... lol. As if they are mine?


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