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TimeSplitters: Future Perfect

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The map editor with Timesplitters 2 was the most useless thing ever. All you could do was lay a bunch of prefab rooms out on a very large-scale 3D grid, and it had an amazingly low limit on size and complexity.

Future Perfect is a really good Game... TS2, too.
The first Level from TS2 seems Pretty familiar to me.
About the Train Level from TS3:FP i would say the same.
Some of the Weapons also sounds similar to Goldeneye.

But the most important thing is the Gameplay, which is really close on GE64.

TS2 becomes a 9/10 and Furure Perfect a 10/10 from me.

 I'm still tring to unlock all the characters on TS:FP. I always like to make MP maps and play with my friends, and I posted some on XBOX LIVE for Download.

Shaken not Stirred:

--- Quote from: Super Mega Blah on January 14, 2008, 01:18:41 am ---FRD are currently working on TS4, so it should be awsome!

--- End quote ---
Oh, it says FRD. For a second, I thought it was some sick joke.

I remember "mapping" with the Tony Hawk game back in highschool.  ;D


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