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Goldeneye coming to the XBLA! + Banjo Kazzoie/Perfect Dark

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Even though we already got all this info, I think this makes it even more reliable. The bolded part. The side project? This. The main project, a new, next-gen game.,1277.0.html

--- Quote ---Contrary to past efforts, Kottick expressed his confidence in Activision's ability to return the Bond franchise to form. "We have our best development studios working on the product, we have a second team working on another Bond product and we're putting great resources against it," Kottick said. " Bond is one of the great videogame franchises of all time and that really was a result of Golden Eye. I think the key to re-energising the Bond franchise is going to be ultimately the highest possible game quality."
--- End quote ---

Sorry for the bump, but here is the alleged first screenshot.
720p version:

--- Quote ---This special edition supposedly included, among others, the following features:

    * Flawless recreation of the original gameplay. The game used the original code, running on an Xbox 360.
    * Solid 60 frames a second.
    * High definition graphics with the option to switch back to the original N64 graphics any time.
    * Four-way online split-screen multiplayer, with the option to see what the other three players can see, even over Live.
    * New multiplayer maps, including the single player Dam, Depot or Frigate levels as multiplayer arenas.

--- End quote ---

Shaken not Stirred:
I don't see Crysis-era graphics... If you're going to make a remake, you have to exceed in every way, or people will go back to the original.

It's not a full blown remake, if it was it'd be a seperate game. This is for the Xbox Live Arcade with the following feature sets in addition to what has already been said.

--- Quote ---* Flawless recreation of the original gameplay. The game used the original code, running on an Xbox 360.
* Solid 60 frames a second.
* High definition graphics with the option to switch back to the original N64 graphics any time.
* Four-way online split-screen multiplayer, with the option to see what the other three players can see, even over Live.
* New multiplayer maps, including the single player Dam, Depot or Frigate levels as multiplayer arenas.
--- End quote ---

Right, basically porting it over with improved frame rate and a few more options, sounds worthwhile to me, I'll end up buying a crapbox to play it I'm sure... Any idea on a release date? 2008?


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