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Goldeneye coming to the XBLA! + Banjo Kazzoie/Perfect Dark
Ryan [Saiz]:
Oh well
So long
Guess it was too much to ask for the XBOX teams pockets to be a little shallower than normal.
Don't give up on this yet. We currently have 1122 signatures to revive the project. As the 1up article said, in order to get this back in development we need to show Microsoft and Nintendo that we want it.
Ryan [Saiz]:
No it's not just that, the reason the game was canceled was they couldn't decide on a way to split the profits, that and Nintendo doesn't want to see that game on anything but virtual console, and Microsoft wants it on their xbox live arcade line up. Rival companies are not going to agree on anything or make sacrifices. By the looks of it no one is going to get it. The situation is just a bad one, Rare owned by Microsoft, Nintendo the publisher of the original, and Activision who has the rights to making or distributing an game with a bond name. So a petition would not do much at all to help the situation. It is now just between the two companies arguing over money and a game, and another just wanting to make a game, so don't get your hopes up.
Super Mega Blah:
But if they do release it on xbla, will it still have the nintendo logo thing when u start the game? or would microsoft change it?
Anyways i think if they are going to do a proper remake, or just fix up the graphics of the old game a bit, they should also go and see Free Radical Design, because most of the guys there made goldeneye 64 what it was (and David Doak was in the game), and it shows in their games like timesplitters 2 etc. (i mean the feel of the game). Anyways who would want rare working on a game these days? they used to be good, but now they are shit, as they have proved with perfect dark zero (which is one of the worst games i have ever played).
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