Hi! I've always been a huge fan of the N64 goldeneye game and when i saw i might be able to join the team i decided to apply right away,
Ill make it short

My name is Käy Vriend (24, Netherlands), i live in Holland, next september ill be going back to school (game design) after serving 3 years in the army, my greatest hobby is making textures for indie-games and some mods, I've been texturing for almost a year now (i have the professional edition of Genetica 2.5) and all my textures come with a series of effect maps (normalmaps, specular maps, regular bumpmaps, even self-illumination is possible) ill let my images do the rest of the talking, (I've included a screenshot from another project i'm involved in)

and the last one,

(Terrain and scenery textures are my strongest qualities, i'm not yet into skinning, but if you request a texture i can always make it and then you guys can see if it fits the theme
