Debriefing > Off-Topic Lounge
Hi guys!!
Hello People,
Can I firstly say that I have the uttermost respect for all of you involved in any way of bringing this game, what was, in my mind, one of the best games ever, back to live. I really really do appreciate it. And can I say with the first BETA you've done a wonderful job, must have taken you an absolute age!
Can I please just stress one little point though. It simply takes way, way too many shots to kill the opponent. I'm taking the vast majority of you guys have played on CS:S, and though I completely appreciate that you want it to be completely separate and respectable, but please guys, just drop the health a tad. I have to shoot someone roughly 4-5 times with the shotgun to kill them, about 15-20 with the AK and about 8 times with the knife.
I'm not saying that we should use the CSS style 1 shot mallark, but really 20 AK bullets would take down a small army, not just one guy! Can I just say, whoever created Cradle, you're a legend. You all are, this is a truly brilliant idea, but the brilliance is that, like me and many more, didn't just think "how amazing would it be to have a newer version of that", but you actually went out there and made it.
A brilliant 1st attempt guys, really really good - *cries* please, just consider the health?
Thanks, Ian Clark - A fan!
All weapon damage has been up'ed for the next release, If I remember correctly.
Ryan [Saiz]:
We are keeping weapon damage and health exactly as it was in ge64, we don't want to make this game anything like counter strike. Sorry but that is how we want it.
Konrad Beerbaum:
Your experience may also be due to lag/hitbox issues which are a known problem.
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