Hey mark,
Now that I have tried your patch, it is amazing. However, I Found 2 bugs I think would be really nice if you could fix. Both include getting kicked out of the game.
When changing maps, everyone in the game tends to get booted. The game crashes and says HL2.exe error and goes back to windows. Its just the casual hl2.exe error so its not anything special i should take a picture of. It only does it when you change maps. It booted everyone in every game i played on so i Know its not me.
Me and other players keep telling me every once in a while they receive a "client timed out" error. It kicks out of the current game and put you back at the goldeneye source menu. It doesn't always happen to often but it seems to be an occuring bug like the first one. The first one is the worst if you could fix that.
Thanks mark, and if you can't, guess I will have to just wait for beta2.