We're not dead.
New Media:
Here's the new SDK raeping Temple

Alright fine so for a legitimate update;
We're not dead. As some of you may have read in the latest update, virtually all of the weapons are done art-side, so there isn't much to show you other than some random props here and there that would probably be more interesting in the context of their individual maps. Looking back, weekly updates may not have been the best way to release media, since we burned through our supply in a couple months, but at least now everybody knows where we are at with the art.
Lately there has been a lot of managerial shuffling, with big changes like lodle and wake leaving, mario and scott coming back, and a slew of new talent applying. The big hurdle we're at right now is the Episode 2 SDK. We decided we want to port the game over to the new version of the engine to take advantage of its new goodies, however that requires us waiting until the SDK is released leaving us at a bit of an impasse. In the meantime, Mario has been thrashing through the current code and stabilizing the hell out of it, which will make the task of porting over working bits of code from the current build to the new SDK much more efficient and allow us the iterate changes properly and have stricter bug control. You also may not have heard, but Multi-fire was indeed vanquished, taking that load off our collective back. This down time will also allow us to work on and fine tune things like dual-wielding, maps, rolling explosions and various game modes while we wait for the new SDK to roll around.
There has been some discussion about doing a release before the new SDK is released/fully ported, and while we would certainly love to see the bump in activity surrounding a new release, for the moment we feel that concentrating on wrapping up something releasable from the current content would detract from our current goal of getting everything packaged up nice and clean for the EP2 SDK port. The last thing we want to see would be another release like we had with beta one, it seems like it would take a good chunk out of our morale. Feelings might change in the future if something goes awry with the new SDK, but for now, that's our goal.
So with that said, we'll get the visual goods to you when we can, but for the moment the majority of the content we're working on is either WIP and pretty unshowable, or codeside. We hope to have a new website up and kicking ass in the near future (I know, how many times have you heard that, right?), and from the looks of it it's going to knock your socks off. If anyone knows any quality character modelers or programmers, send 'em our way, as it seems like that is the area with the most potential to be fleshed out (literally).
Now somebody sticky this bad boy.