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comp problems, its likely a hardware problem but can't pinpoint it, need tests

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Loafie, Hero of Dreams:

no, i have only reformatted once and that was prior to the problems. havent tried it a second time yet, but i guess i will sometime fairly soon.

So I read the whole topic...and to be honest I can't remember if anyone said anything abou this. Have you done a virus scan and spyware scan lately? (This is probably another offensive question)

If not, google AVG free edition and grab that along with a program called Spybot. There's quite a few viruses that can cause these symptoms nowadays, and it might be something as "simple" as that.

With regards to the random cpu crash, sounds like a motherboard issue to me. I have encountered that problem before as well. I've also had problems with my slave HD due to fragmented files that could not be defrag'd.

That, "I devided by zero" picture is just pure comedy. =)

so yeah i reformatted again and i'm not really having any major problems with hardware/bsods/crashing/cache issues anymore, just some weird stuff that i can probably credit to my router now.

Fuck routers. Where we're going we don't need firewalls.


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