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comp problems, its likely a hardware problem but can't pinpoint it, need tests

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no, haven't tried anything inside like that yet. i was playing gmod online and it played just about perfectly.

i'm still pissed at this youtube example. i'll watch a youtube video and it'll stop randomly and think it reached the end of the video, when it really didn't (you cant skip to parts after it either, and when it reaches that point again it just stops), and it appears as if it loaded all the way. i have to clear my cache to load the whole thing over.

same thing happens for some images and even downloads...this is part of the reason why i'm intent on it being the hard drive, because none of this ever happened before the reformat. i'll give what you said a try soon.

but yeah its not like i'm having hard drive failures or i don't really understand the point of all this or if it could even BE this.

both harddrives are SATA, yes, and no to everything else. its gotta be this or some glitch in the mobo..

Did you try using a different browser?

I realize that this question is offensive and condescending.

My suggestion with the harddrives was purely for that glitchy thing which (I assume) you don't have anymore so don't bother with that yet. I don't know much about these darned nintendo playstations you kids are building.

i just got a bsod and i have no idea what it was because i saw it for about half a second and then my computer restarted O_O

also another random program crash

reformat again?

Shaken not Stirred:

--- Quote from: fonfa on November 07, 2007, 03:50:17 am ---reformat again?

--- End quote ---
Wait, did he already rereformat or do you mean rerereformat?

I just confused myself into a corner.


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