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comp problems, its likely a hardware problem but can't pinpoint it, need tests
so i've been having computer trouble for the past month or two, and i'm pretty sure I can accredit the issues to faulty primary hard drive or motherboard and I can't pinpoint either for sure, i've been running a lot of diagnostic tests and whatever I can find, like for example I did a harddrive diagnostic test to see if i would get any errors, it came up with nothing, it just said it was 'complete'.
my motherboard is a abit kn8 sli and my primary hard drive is this 80GB HITACHI Deskstar
could anyone recommend some diagnostic tests or torture tests, whatever you call em, in which i can perhaps pinpoint which component in my custom built pc has the problem. i'm almost certain it's a hardware issue so i'll spare a redundant and confusing story of the least that's how i see it. but what's making me think more and more it's a hard drive thing is I reformatted and all of a sudden i'm getting these new issues with my comp that i've never gotten before. i've ran as many tests as i could find for my processor and memory and both came up with nothing, as for the motherboard i haven't a clue. my powersupply is new, i've cleaned the insides not too long ago, either way i've still had one issue or another - it's gotta be either the harddrive or mobo but i can't pinpoint it and i'm not willing to go to a technician or something, any help?
which are the symptoms?
Konrad Beerbaum:
Download UBCD for Dos. You burn it to a cd, then boot off the cd. Go to Hard drive tests, and on the 3rd or 4th screen there is a program called Drive Fitness Test. Run that, and if your drive is bad it will give you an error code. Post that here and I can tell you what it means. 0x00 means its good, 0x70 or anything else means a faulty drive, and I should be able to tell you what the specific code means.
A link is here. Hit me up on aim if you need any help.,974.0.html
I say acquire a different drive, install, and see if the problem remains. If everything magically gets better, it's either the deathstar or your current OS install caught e-AIDS and is expressing symptoms thereof.
yeah konrad i did a similar harddrive test off the hitachi site, made the boot disk, and got a 0x00, should i go ahead and try this one too? i have reasons for why it could be the hard drive still, but there's also the motherboard...
i'll try to explain the long backstory of when I started noticing problems...i'm sure there are a lot of redundant details but here we go:
a while back I tried replacing my amd athlon 2400 xp processor with a new dual core, and when I would play games after a while the fps would drop to a constant 20-fps or somewhere in that range. other apps like video editing progs would then be sagging constantly unless i restarted, and it would be fine again until it sagged after time. i think that's a cooling issue, but out of frustration back then and not knowing what to do i just put my old processor back in and things started running fine again. i started to notice about every 15 minutes or so i'd have these little freeze blips when just doing ordinary desktop stuff. anyway, fast forward to me going through a powersupply and replacing my old graphics card with a new 8800 gts (won from a contest for free yeay). bad game performance starts happening again, but not as bad as before. i was able to somehow avoid the comp lag and games would run fine. fast forward to a few days ago, i noticed that if i joined a source game online, i'd have this constant rubber band lag effect although my ping was still normal. tf2 online was for the most part ok, and if i created a listen server for anything that'd be fine too.
so i figured i was due for a reformat, and i did. if you skipped the last paragraph good enough cause heres the current situation. now ive had problems with programs freezing up or crashing like steam, my game downloads on steam are incredibly slow while my ping stays the same, i'll watch a video on youtube for another example and sometimes it would stop halfway or at another point and think the video is finished although its not and it appears as if the whole thing loaded. images and downloads are the same way - sometimes the full image wont load completely and downloads will say they are done when really they are not. i have to clear my cache if i want to start from the beginning for say videos or images and load them again. i havent tried much other than diagnostic tests yet, later i'm going to try playing something to see what it's like...but what's odd is these problems were triggered by a reformat...and ive had other problems before and again or just makes no sense.
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