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Crysis Demo

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It was just a pity it was way too easy.

Well you are in a nano suit thing, its meant to be easy verse humans.

How was it easy.

Easy as in stupid AI.
Easy as in super human death machine.

I played the Demo Yesterday.
(On a AMD Athlon XP 2400+ with 1796MB DDR-Ram @333Mhz, ATI RADEON X1650Pro (256MB))

At first on lowest settings and 800x600 resolution, with smooth Framerate but Graphic looking worser than FarCry.

Changed to Medium and 1024x768, running well, just a few decreases in Framerate when there where more than 3 Enemies and looking much better.

Tried it also on the High settings, but got only something about 10 Frames, looking really Cool, if you don't move and just watch the Environment, but far from playable.

So basically it felt like FarCry, but there was on thing that disappointed me:
This self-regenerating Health and Armoury.
Since Halo, there are many Shooter with this "Feature", and i don't like it.

In GE64 for example, you can survive the most level without taking damage, well, if your really skilled, but in nearly every other shooter, your massive loose of health will be compensated with many health-packs or this self-regenerating thing.
It's senseless.

It's senseless because the games are so short these days. Goldeneye was pretty short too but you couldn't do it in an afternoon because you had to chiggity check yourself and flip a shit now and then for getting capped in the ass. I could see this being somewhat acceptable in a longer game like Oblivion, but only on certain difficulty levels designed for weekend warrior gamers who just don't have time to enjoy the game. Sometimes I feel like they give you this recharge bullshit just so they don't have to think about how many enemies they're throwing at you at once or how absurd their challenges are becoming. Giant Spider vomiting smaller explosive spiders at your feet followed by helicopters shooting nuclear missiles and footsoldiers with SUPAR ARMOR which makes them JEDI MASTERS blasting you with psionic energy during an artillery barrage looks good in a game trailer and will sell units guaranteed, no demo needed. The only way to retain players for all of your in game advertising is to make them able to go from absurd event to absurd event without getting too worn out to notice your Axe Body Spray billboards.


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