Editing and Customization > Tutorials
[TUT] How to render wireframes in Maya.
Konrad Beerbaum:
A tutorial I wrote explaining how to render wireframes in Maya.
Loafie, Hero of Dreams:
Hi guys I am Maya user and now I am using Maya for more then 2 years, well I have a question for you guys its kind of off but to be honest I am stuck with it and taught to ask from you guys, it never happened to me to create wire frame render in Maya I know how to create wire frame render in 3ds max but I am still curios how to do it in Maya since there is no option I guess but I am not sure, any trick and techniques would be really appreciated regarding how to render wire frame render in Maya,
Konrad Beerbaum:
Uh....did you click the link? The whole point of this thread was that I wrote a tutorial on how to do it.
Jonathan [Spider]:
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