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So you all got Halo 3?

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Do not want.

Loafie, Hero of Dreams:



--- Quote from: Viashino Cutthroat on September 26, 2007, 10:08:26 pm ---No.  Driving + FPS = lame.

--- End quote ---

hey, they had that shit in 3:10 to yuma and it was badass. HEY.

Jonathan [Spider]:
i wanted to get it, but the female scientist has my 360 in Sacramento, cause she wanted it for guitar hero. then she called me up about 2 weeks ago yelling "OMG ...Halo 3 comes out THIS September... i thought it was NEXT September.... you cant have your 360 back yet"

so she called me up yesterday and turned it on, and played the theme music as it booted up then said "... i have to go" and hung up haha
shes kind of crazy about halo, she played the first one when i got my Xbox on launch for about 6 hours straight.

im just going to have to wait till i go back to sac in October hehe.

Mike [fourtecks]:
I guess I shouldn't pre-judge though with my past experience with the other 2 games. I don't know. I'll probably get my hands on it later this year and try it myself. The thing that really bothers me atm is all the fanboys, advertising, and hype. I WOULD LIKE MY HALO 3 GAME DRINK AND FOOD NOW PLZ.


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