Global Communications > Development Media
[MAP] Facility Screens (11/22/06)
Where does that hole in the floor lead to? The new tanks look nice too
--- Quote from: Pricey on November 23, 2006, 03:05:46 am --- The new tanks look nice too
--- End quote ---
Aint that the truth, its majorly sexy.
Btw baron those screens resemble the moddb release, in which someone copied a certain someones Screenshot positions and redid them in the wrong sizing, and that release was like 2 months ago, so thats my guess of how old the screens are =) Unless of course you yourself did them 3 weeks ago, then i can just shut my trap =P
Sean [Baron]:
Nope, all of these screens are fresh screens I took myself, about 3 weeks ago. I will take more when I get the time, and post those as well, since there are a few changes since these screenshots. But for now, this will do (i think), atleast for a couple more days ;).
Yeah honestly i doubt anyone is complaining that there is 500% more media of late than previously treated, i say march on and get to these updated screens when youve got a LOT of spare time to kill 8) i'd also like to offer the idea that these ones be preserved in a locked thread (if you didnt plan already) for ppl to have fun comparing , give them a little somefin somefin to drool over in their eager month of mental torturous pain before they get the biggest videogasmic experience since the original itself
eh? comrades. ;)
Did you guys fix the invisible texture thingy on top of the tanks? You can't quite see it in the picture ::)
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