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[FIX] Characters created in Maya and compiled from XSI have slanted normals.
Konrad Beerbaum:
When a character is created in Maya, exported to an XSI file format, and the smd is created from XSI, a situation can occur where the normals are severely slanted instead of facing straight out.
In the image below, Mishkin and Oddjob have the incorrectly slanted normals, and Bond has correct normals.
There are two possible causes and fixes.
In the case of Oddjob, it was caused by the transforms not being frozen prior to rigging. To fix this, in XSI:
1. Mute the envelope (Double click "Envelope Operator" in the selection explorer, uncheck box)
2. Freeze the transforms of the mesh
3. Set Reference Poses (In Animation Mode, Press 2, under Envelope -> Set Reference Poses, ensure mesh is selected b4 pressing)
4. Unmute Envelope (Same as #1 just check the box)
5. Export fixed character to SMD
In the case of Mishkin, the transforms were frozen prior to rigging, and the problem was caused by the MAYANormal node that was imported into XSI with the file. Simply delete this node to fix the problem.
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