As you might have been able to tell from our recent media releases, right now our development has been focused on weapons. Our immediate goal is to get all of the weapons complete on the art side, and then to get them ingame with animations. On the first goal, we are very close to completion, we have only 3 weapons left on the art side, and 2 of those are very close to completion, close enough that you'll probably be seeing them in the next few releases. We also have KillerMonkey, Saiz, Kant.think.str8, and Fonfa leading the charge to get the weapons ingame and animated. Recently KillerMonkey has also been tinkering with implementing custom character firing animations to better fit our weapons, and as several us got to see the other day, they have a lot of potential.
While Lodle has had to forgoe gameplay coding for the time being, that doesn't mean he has disappeared. Just recently he implemented a new PHP asset tracking system built into the forums that is completely awesome. At any time a dev can open "The Mighty Check List" as Lodle has christened it, and instantly see where each and every asset is in development, and update its status quickly and easily. This has erased much of the confusion that often comes with developing a mod with dozens of members all over the glove.
Of course, while it is fun to tell you about this stuff, what you really want to do is see the eye candy, and here it is. The RCP 90. With a blistering firing rate and massive clip, the days of the ZMG dominating servers will soon be just a memory. Modeled by Armored Fury, and textured by Spider, this beast is ingame and having its animations fine tuned.
Coming up next week, a weapon that has never been seen before on the GES servers, even by the beta testers.