I sometimes saw vids about the cradle. here are the stats that I like and I don't of the cradle.
1-If you kill someone while in the edge of any place, the killed one will make a little fly to his death.
2-a perfect place for sniper someone its when in the original golden eye 64, you spawn near a little tower, go to it and start sniping someone, caution if someone spawn near you, let him get away, if not, you may not hit him while he is scaping and he will notice you.
3-the cool music.
4-as you will see, the is a different logo of janus, it says: janus with funny colors.
5-escaping from a pursuit in the middle level of the cradle, there are the platforms I told you that pros can walk on them, you can fall and then, move to the right or lkeft to fall to the lower level of it, but you need to pay some health. PROS also can make this one, if you re a beginner, you may commit suicide
6- 1 of my friends used this trick, in the second door of the rooms in the middle level of the cradle, open it and pass it, then hide in the place that doesnt have the glass, and when an oponent comes, SHOOT him when he pass the door. you can also receive the guys that come from the lower part of the cradle. but you need to be behind the stairs
7-hiding proximity mines is more easy, if you put it on a door or if you put it in the down side of the stairs, with luck, your opponent will be a shit.
8-killing someone near the stairs of the highest level, you will se him rolling until he stops.
1-if you get killed off the cradle, it takes more time to respawn and you get a to humillating kill.
2-the golden gun is spotted in a dangerous area, if you get slapped or you get the golden gun and you fall, maybe you will get really pissed.
3-only pros can try to walk on a thin bridge that you will fall if not carefull.
4-at the cradle highest area you can get surprised if you are sniping, or when surprised you can go to your free flight,and not only that... your fall will is more deeeeeeeep
5-coward guys use the GE 64 beginning spawn point (the tower) and use it to kill the ones that come, and because is a large hallway, he has more opportunity to kill you.
more coming soon!