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Shoot Em Up

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They're quite clearly for the molestation of children's minds, so I am not supporting them.

Actually babies are made when people hold hands! Every lampost is made of candy caine and car exhaust fumes are actually pixie dust  ;D  lol

Because children quite simply are allowed to walk into an R rated movie.
Right.  And even if they do see it, then it's usually the parent's fault.
But according to your logic, the parents are not to blame, just the movie.
Good call, mate.

:: Actually babies are made when people hold hands!

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Konrad Beerbaum:
Heh, I saw a funny scene at the movie theatre a few days ago.  These kids had an adult buy them tickets to superbad which is rated R, and then the adult left.  When the kids handed their tickets to the ticket taker at the door, they got carded a second time, and with no adult, the ticket taker wouldn't let them in.  They started arguing and complaining about it, but eventually they left. 


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