This week enlightens the Phantom. Seen in the Goldeneye 64 singleplayer on the Frigate level, it became a favorite renowned weapon in part due to its sleek design, solid rate of fire, and its rarity/exclusiveness in the original game. Unfortunately in GE64, however, you couldn't use it in multiplayer, but for Goldeneye Source and for the interest of the players and fans, you will be able to arm the Phantom in your multiplayer arsenal. Baron (modeling) & KonradBeerbaum (texturing) did a fine job in recreating this unique and imposing weapon by staying true to the original while giving it that nostalgic enhanced touch.

And as an added bonus this week, ArmoredFury presents the T55 Battle Tank model! He extensively modeled it and texturing it is soon to come, while here is the modeled prop. You'll be seeing it in Runway and Streets.

As far as the two media screenshots go in terms of how they relate to each other... (like for example how we had the runway and the porter plane one week) well.... wasn't there a tank on the frigate?