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Damn you Microsoft
--- Quote from: oboe on September 15, 2007, 07:42:36 am ---it's coming. don't worry about it.
Also, I told you I think Microsoft is fucked up because of how they're fucking spamming halo every god damn place.
may they all be tortured in hell.
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And this is different from ANY OTHER CORPORATION how? You see ads for McDonalds everywhere you turn. And Wal-Mart. I can't really give any more good examples because I don't watch TV anymore. And every other mainstream coproration that has the money to advertise like a motherfucker. So you're saying that corporations aren't allowed to advertise anymore? As much as I hate it, I have to say that they have the right to do it. It's not the corporation's job to protect the child, it's the parent's.
The only place I understand limiting child advertising to is fast food. They did a study, and any food in a mcdonalds wrapper kids thought tasted better. Even if it was a carrot. Plus I hate obesity, and it's actually know to be harmful.
--- Quote from: ConfusedWisdom on September 15, 2007, 04:39:46 pm ---And this is different from ANY OTHER CORPORATION how? You see ads for McDonalds everywhere you turn. And Wal-Mart. I can't really give any more good examples because I don't watch TV anymore. And every other mainstream coproration that has the money to advertise like a motherfucker. So you're saying that corporations aren't allowed to advertise anymore? As much as I hate it, I have to say that they have the right to do it. It's not the corporation's job to protect the child, it's the parent's.
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Since when did a video game need to quench your thirst, balance your checking account, feed your fat fat belly, and clothe you all at the same time...?
They're just going off the deep end with this crap.
Ok, I am starting to agree with Weclock now. There is a good show on the Discovery channel called future weapons. Halo 3 has now infiltrated that show, 3 episodes starting on Monday night. Halo 3 is everywhere, in fact it's worse than pokemon right now. Halo 3 mountain dew, halo 3 discovery channel programs, halo 3 secret advertisements, halo 3 burger king toys, Halo is now taking up 1/3 of the word use in the United States.
Is the game really better than anything ever in existence? Well, they are acting like it is. Should they burn in hell, and be tortured? Uhh... no... just steal their money by pirating halo 3, or better yet, don't buy it at all. Over 100 million copies will probably be sold though, so yea... fuck halo 3 and Micro$oft. Remember folks, these are the people who bought out Rareware, and made a horrible piece of shit of Perfect Dark on their Xbox 360, making sure they can never make a good game ever again.
Konrad Beerbaum:
Its called marketing dude, and with much of the 360s future being bet on this game, it isn't surprising that they are trying to create a huge marketing push. If the game turns out to be good, I don't see the point in boycotting a good game just because it has a lot of hype surrounding it. Look at bioshock, that game has a huge amount of hype right now, and its an awesome game. Just because it has hype doesn't mean people should jump from the bandwagon of liking it, to the bandwagon of hating it just because it is popular.
I never particularly liked halo, and I don't have a 360, but if the game turns out to be really good, and they port it to the pc, damn straight I'll buy it. I'm a gamer first and foremost, and I'm not going to let politics or popularity put me off a good gameplay experience.
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