Greetings! I've been lurking around here long enough, so I think it's time to share some of my work. For the past week, I've been re-creating one of my favorite levels from Deus Ex, the DuClare Chateau. Not only did it have awesome music, but I loved the mysterious air to the place. It was so majestic and cool; I wanted to capture that feel and bring it to GE:S. Of course, the single player layout had a fair share of dead-ends and wasn't fit for multiplayer. I took some creative freedoms and tweaked it.
=== Phase 1, drawing the layouts ===
=== Phase 2, building it from the ground up [Alpha stage] ===
I wanted to make the entire map from scratch, so I chose not to export anything. Plus, exporting from other games/engines could get messy if you're like me and don't know what you're doing. With that in mind, I kept Deus Ex open in one window while working in Hammer, constantly tweaking the scale. And let me tell you, the scale in Deus Ex is
massive. Over six days, I had the entire layout with basic lighting and basic optimization, and this is where we are now.
Images are much darker in a browser than the actual game, even though I turned my brightness up in-game

Here's the download for the current version, alpha 6. think it's safe to say I'm just about out of alpha, considering all the basics are done. I spent the majority of this week tuning the flow and layout, making sure it not only made sense but was easy to navigate.
I appreciate you taking the time to read through this, enjoy! I'll definitely keep this updated as I make progress. I'm aiming to have the entire project finished by the end of April, though that seems ambitious. Only time will tell
*EDIT*: Added spoilers on all the pictures to make scrolling less of a hassle